Category Archives: Colour pencil
Art School Exhibition
The Zebegényi Fenyvesi Art School has it’s annual exhibition in Verőce 1st – 13th October 2022. A few of my works are also exhibited here – I drew and painted them in the summer art week, where this years theme was the water as element. I chose may topics and … Continue reading
Summer Drawing
In the past weeks I was drawing and painting a lot in my sketchbbok with fineliner and watercolour during the Swimathon fundraising campaign. The sketchbook of course stays with me, it is just the perfect weather and time to draw outside the gift compositions around. This drawing I made in … Continue reading
Pigeons Gathering 2.
Pigeons Gathering
Late Autumn Forest
Trees and forest with colour pencil on grey paper – this is a late autumn forest in the serial. Not the bright coloured autumn, but the beauty of the waterdrops sitting on leafless branches and dry leaves that forgot to fall. The original is showcased at the “Stories with Colour … Continue reading
This allee is in the Citypark of Budapest. Each tree has it’s unique shape, still they stand togather and lead to the same way. The original is showcased at the “Stories with Colour and Line “Exhibition until 27th April 2022. Related: Fitness under Plane Trees Old Platanus in the City … Continue reading